This maximum supply could be as a token (DN-404 standard) or Inscription $PR. There shall be no more and no less, fixed like the sun in the sky and the grass in the meadow.
There shall be four ways to obtain the $PR token:
Mintdrops (airdrops for the degens amongst you)
Farming rewards/other promotional activities.
In addition, you will be able to wrap and unwrap your Ralph inscription using the Ralph User Interface. This will allow you to freely move between tokens and Inscriptions.
Ralph can be traded or moved cross chain through the ElkNet.
Ralph is full-meme and is going full-multi-chain-meme too. Therefore, each new chain will have a different set of qualifying criteria. Each airdrop/mint will also have a different percentage of the community allocation airdropped.
The community will be told ahead of time the qualifying criteria for each airdrop/mint. Don't worry Ralph likes a gentle start!
This includes providing the initial liquidity and bootstrapping the liquidity for new chains.
Some of this allocation will be used for marketing. This could be used for promotional activities, or to negotiate partnerships arrangements.
At time of launch, Ralph will indicate the number of chains to target in the first year. An allocation will be split equally between these chains and will only be available at the time of launch on a new chain.
Note: If we don't manage to achieve our goals, and add fewer chains than anticipated in the first year, the allocation remaining will be moved to the "Winter Grazing" allocation.
This could be further chain launches on as yet unexplored ElkNet opportunities which are not yet available; or even moving to the heady world of non-EVM.
Or maybe we could just throw a massive party for Ralph!
Whatever happens, these funds will be locked away, only to be unlocked by a majority vote by the founding members and backed up by a similar community vote.
Note: In any single proposal for releasing Winter Grazing tokens, a maximum of 250,000 $PR will be made available.
This allocation will be split equally between the founding members.
The team is made up of a mix of bodies including experience in Community Management, Marketing, BD, Design and UX, and Engineering.
A meme is for a good time, but we are talking this part seriously. As with all the Ralphanomics, the team allocations will be laid bare in contracts for all to see, and published on our docs page.
Upon launch of the $PR token, each team member will receive one third of their allocation (52,803). On the first anniversary of the $PR token launch, the team will receive another third. On the second anniversary, the team will receive their final allocation from Ralph.
This allocation could be split between tokens and inscription minting rights.